Instructievideo's voor panelleden
Below you may find a number of brief instruction videos in which the FWO review process is discussed. By clicking on the links below you can access these videos, which will provide detailed information about different steps in the evaluation procedure for the FWO research projects fundamental research. We strongly advise new panel members to watch all videos to get acquainted with the procedure. Videos marked with an asterisk are relevant for all panel members, regardless of their previous experience as an FWO panel member.
Postdoctorale mandaten
- Introducing the FWO – a brief video introducing FWO’s mission
- Evaluation process postdoctoral fellowships – an overview of the entire procedure for the evaluation of postdoctoral fellowships at FWO
- Submitting CoIs & confidence rates – how to declare conflicts of interest and submit confidence rates via FWO’s e-portal
- Internal Evaluation Reports – how to write a report for this FWO program*
- Guidelines for use of E-Portal – how to find applications and review templates in FWO’s e-portal
- Specific Interdisciplinary Panel – specific important guidelines for reviewing as a panel member of the Specific Interdisciplinary Panel*
- Unconscious bias – FWO wants to make you aware of potential unconscious bias in the review process
- Your role as rapporteur – how to synthesize the four reviews into a report*
- The preselection meeting – how to prepare for the preselection meeting*
- The interview meeting – how to prepare for the interview meeting*
Predoctorale mandaten
- Introducing the FWO – a brief video introducing FWO’s mission
- Evaluation process PhD fellowships – an overview of the entire procedure for the evaluation of PhD fellowships at FWO
- Submitting CoIs & confidence rates – how to declare conflicts of interest and submit confidence rates via FWO’s e-portal
- Internal Evaluation Reports – how to write a report for this FWO program*
- Guidelines for use of E-Portal – how to find applications and review templates in FWO’s e-portal
- Specific Interdisciplinary Panel – specific important guidelines for reviewing as a panel member of the Specific Interdisciplinary Panel*
- Unconscious bias – FWO wants to make you aware of potential unconscious bias in the review process
- The preselection meeting – how to prepare for the preselection meeting*
- The interview meeting – how to prepare for the interview meeting*
- Introducing the FWO – a brief video introducing FWO’s mission
- Evaluation process research projects fundamental research – an overview of the entire procedure for the evaluation of research projects fundamental research at FWO
- Submitting CoIs & confidence rates – how to declare conflicts of interest and submit confidence rates via FWO’s e-portal
- Internal Evaluation Reports – how to write a report for this FWO program*
- Guidelines for use of E-Portal – how to find applications and review templates in FWO’s e-portal
- Specific Interdisciplinary Panel – specific important guidelines for reviewing as a panel member of the Specific Interdisciplinary Panel*
- Unconscious bias – FWO wants to make you aware of potential unconscious bias in the review process
- Your role as rapporteur – how to synthesize the four reviews into a report*
- The panel meeting – how to prepare for the panel meeting*
Wetenschappelijke voorzitters
Below you may find the instruction videos in which we give an overview of your role as scientific chair of an expert panel for the evaluation of the fellowships or the projects fundamental research. By clicking on the relevant link below you can access the video corresponding to your program (Fellowships or Projects), which will provide detailed information about your different tasks in the evaluation procedure.