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Overkoepelende commissie SBO - Economisch


Naam Voornaam Instelling
Adryan Boris Merck KGaA
Coomans Werner Nokia Bell Labs
de Reuver Mark TU Delft
Jonckheere Inge Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN)
Kongsamut Sam BryoLogyx
Peixoto Mariana B.ACIS Center for Health Innovation, University of Minho
Raoof Araz Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Rauch Mathias Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Remy Tom The World Bank
Ritschkoff Anne-Christine VTT Technical Research Centre Of Finland Ltd
Rodríguez-Maribona Isabel Tecnalia Research & Innovation
Segers Rolph TNO
Spooren Rudie SINTEF Industry
Truyen Roel Philips Research