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Commissie Science


De Commissie Science evalueert de wetenschappelijke kwaliteit van de aanvragen voor zware en internationale onderzoeksinfrastructuur.


Naam Instelling
Börjesson Lars Chalmers University of Technology (SE)
Antonyuk Svetlana University of Liverpool (UK)
Bertilsson Stefan Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE)
Blackall Linda University of Melbourne (AU)
de Jong Franciska University of Utrecht (NL)
Harrison Andrew Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) ERIC (CZ)
Keitel- Schutz Doris DKSST Consulting (DE)
Kelso Janet Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (DE)
Kolar Jana CERIC-ERIC (SI)
Pasterk Markus University of Milan -Bicocca (IT)
Price Patricia Imperial College Londen (UK)
Saer Rebecca London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK)
Scourse James University of Exeter (UK)
Stoker Jaap Amsterdam UMC (NL)
Torkar Richard Chalmers and University of Gothenburg (SE)