Applied Biological, Enviromental & Earth Sciences
Naam | Voornaam | Instelling/bedrijf |
Desneux | Nicolas | INRA |
Dragone | Giuliano | DTU |
Halford | Nigel | Rothamsted Research |
Martins | Lígia | Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Schweizer | Fabian | Agroline Bioprotect |
Smulders | Rene | WUR |
Trably | Eric | INRAE |
Yelina | Natasha | University of Cambridge |
Alkemade | Rob | Wageningen University / PBL |
Lago | Manuel | Ecological Institute EU |
Lienert | Judit | Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology |
Martin-Ortega | Julia | University Leeds |
Willemen | Wieteke | Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente |